Food Truck Associations

Organizing 101

Over the past three years the SoCal Mobile Food Vendors Association has assisted 11 other food truck associations form.  We have provided guidance, bylaws and help with 501(c)(6) filings for non profit status.  We do this because we believe that strong advocacy nationwide furthers our cause here in California and because we believe that everyone deserves a voice.

We’re expanding our initiative to help fledgling food truck associations.  If you need help creating or organizing a new food truck association, please email us and we’ll do our best to help out.

The first step in getting an association together is getting the relevant parties (truck owners) into a room to discuss the issues.  The first meeting should be used to identify the most important issues facing the industry in your area. Create a list in order of importance.  Typically lists include: bans, time limit restrictions, street vending restrictions, private property bans, etc. Once the list is together a strategy can be developed to achieve your goals.

We will help you every step of the way.


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