Abbot Kinney/First Friday

We are disappointed to learn of the Abbot Kinney Merchant’s Association’s decision. Obviously, this affects the ability of our members to operate, limits consumer choice, and detracts from the overall experience of the event. We are also surprised to learn that the AKMA’s President has characterized our membership’s actions as something that people need to be ‘protected from’.  Our members have always held themselves to the highest levels of commercial conduct. Due to the nature of their business, our members are always very aware of the demands of the consumer.  Clearly, the growth and innovation displayed by the Association’s members indicate that they do an excellent job of giving consumers what they want and at a fair price. In light of our consistent efforts to cooperate with all stakeholders, we were particularly disappointed to not only to be excluded from any discussion and further to have been informed at the very last moment.

Because this situation is still developing and information is sparse, the Association cannot take a position or comment further on the closure. The Association will comment further as the situation unfolds.


Matt Geller

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